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The mission of Pearland ISD's Department of Guidance and Counseling is to empower our students to reach their fullest potential as productive citizens and lifelong learners.  As professional school counselors we are dedicated to providing a comprehensive counseling program guided by the American School Counseling Association (ASCA) and the Texas Counseling Association (TCA) models.

In collaboration with other educators, parents, or guardians and the community, we ensure that students have the necessary social/emotional skills, academic foundation, technical knowledge, college preparation and career readiness for school and future success.

At Berry Miller our Counselors do many things, some examples are listed below:

  • Character education
  • Coordinating prevention/intervention programs
  • Advising on course selection
  • Assisting in testing and interpreting scores
  • Providing counseling to individuals or groups
  • Supporting efforts of staff, parents, and community in promoting student development
  • Consulting with teachers and parents on behalf of students
  • Clarifying post-graduation plans
  • Help to resolve academic or career questions

Although school counseling is not therapy, as counselors, we can help students adjust to new situations, increase self-esteem, and deal with grief, anger, stress, divorce/separation or relationship struggles which may be a barrier to their educational process.  Parents, if you should need to talk to us about any of these sensitive issues please contact us. Community resources will be offered if additional support is needed.