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Bobcat Football Information


Bobcat Family,

I wanted to pass along some information to get you started for the season. We will discuss things in more detail at our parent meeting the second week of school, date TBA. Please read all the way through.

If your player has not received their helmet and shoulder pads yet they will get those items the first week of school.


Physical and Rank One

A PISD physical is required to participate in any sport. The online forms through Rank One must also be completed prior to the first day of school. Athletes will not be allowed to participate until these items have been completed.

Physical:  Physical and Medical History Form

On-Line Forms:



Required Items Needed (items you will need to purchase on your own)

  • Mouthpiece
  • Padded practice pants (white) - these will be worn for practice and will be worn under game day pants (our game day pants do not have any pads in them)
  • Cleats- must be navy, red, white or black
  • Red game socks
  • Water jug/bottle



Please make sure these are paid before the first day of school

  • Athletic participation fee
  • Athletic uniform fee- every player will receive their athletic uniform (t-shirt and shorts) on the 1st day of school. They are required to have this uniform every day of the school year. Additional sets may be purchased at a later time.
  • Helmet decal fee



Practice will begin the first day of school. 8th grade will practice until 5:30pm and 7th grade will practice until 5:45pm. Players should bring their own workout clothes for the first week just in case our new athletic uniforms have not come in yet.  We have to follow UIL guidelines and requirements for the number of practices players must participate in before they can do any full contact drills or participate in any scrimmages or games. It is very important for your player to be at practice DAY 1. We will practice Wednesday, Thursday and Friday the first week. At the end of week one I will send out a schedule for the following week.



7th grade games are on Tuesdays beginning Sep. 6, and 8th grade games are on Wednesdays beginning Sep. 7th.

Please email me with any questions. I will be in and out of my office the next couple of days with meetings and teacher in-service but I will get back to you as soon as I can. I am looking forward to a great year.


Go Bobcats!
Coach Windsor